Behind the scenes


Since its inception, the Museum has been driven by a group of passionate individuals that come from many different backgrounds with one common passion - sliding on snow. The Museum's Board of Directors are actively involved with all aspects of the Museum's mission, strategy, and operations and provide everything from guidance and insight to hands-on help stacking chairs after special events.

We're always interested in new members for our board. Please contact us for more information.

The Trailbreakers are prior members of the Board or significant Museum supporters that deserve permanent recognition.

Click here to see our staff.


Poppy Gall
Greg Morrill
Vice Chair
Jann Perkins
Parker Riehle
Mark Armstrong

Rob Apple
Rob Center
Foster Chandler
Derek Graddock
Paul Graves
Peter Graves
Molly Mahar
Caroline Marhefka
Rick Moulton
Dave Schmidt
Sharon Sisler

Roy Newton

Ken Biedermann
Dick Collins
Julie Egenberg
Rosie Fortna
Scott Noble
Sylvia Pope
Lance Violette
Liz Weller

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