2003 Hall of Fame Inductees

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Bud Cary

Burton   "Bud" Wolcott Cary, Jr.

Rank, Company, Regiment: PFC        L              86TH INF

Birth date/Death Date: 8/22/1921 - 6/29/2001

Vermont Location: Calais

Awards: Bronze Star, Discharge 12/1945

Competitive Skiing:

Ski jumper at Kimball Union and Colgate University. Also slalom

Importance of Vermont: Skiing, visiting daughter and grandchildren.

First skiing experience: Probably with his father, but definitely Kimball Union was a big   start.

College: Colgate University

What was your experience in the 10th like?

[He] never really talked about it. Just that he disliked the   mules. Camp Hale and Leadville had many memories. Italian people were very   nice to them.

Why did you join the 10th?

To teach skiing to the 10th that did not know how to ski.

Ski School: Taught ski school in New York from 502 to early 60s in Manlius-Pompey-Fayetteville   area.

Vermont Ski Area Connection: Skied at Okemo for many years after retirement in 1983.   Overnight vacations with family, skied Ragged Mountain and others

Information submitted by: Missy Storrow, daughter


Earl E. Clark

Rank, Company, Regiment: CPT        HQ-1      87th

Birth date/Death Date: 7/3/1919

Vermont Location: South Londonderry

Awards: 12/7/79 inducted into the Army's Hall of Fame, 1999 inducted into the Colorado Ski Hall of Fame, Honorary Colonel of 87th at Fort Drum

Importance of Vermont: "My father was the Methodist minister and I was born in our   home next to the church [South Londonderry]."

First skiing experience:

"I first skied at the age of 13 in Wisconsin, toe straps   and galoshes! As the years went by I got better skis and boots and by 1939   was a good, but certainly not expert, skier. I worked for the summers of 1940   and 41 at Jenny Lake in the Grand Tetons and did considerable skiing in the   back country and climbing of the Teton peaks."

Why did you join the 10th?

When the creation of the 87th was announced, it was there that I   had to go! I have felt or the rest of my life that I served with a fabulous   group of men which made the 10th great!"

Ski Patrol: "My return to skiing was as head of the patrol at the   Arapahoe Basin the year it opened and I have skied ever since." 

Ski Industry: 1985 became Board member   of the Over the Hill Gang, International, a ski and adventure club for   seniors, President 1988-1992.

Role of Skiing in your Life: "Skiing after the war was my way of life."

Other information: Founder of the National Association of the 10th Mountain   Division and its National President for 7 years; Chairman of the Board of the 10th Mountain Division Foundation and Chairman Emeritus of the National Association, Founder of the International Federation of Mountain Soldiers.

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Robert D COchran

Rank, Company, Regiment: 126 ENG

Vermont Location: Burlington/Stowe

Importance of Vermont: "I went in a Vermonter and came out as a Vermonter. Most of   us came from mountainous areas in the US."

First skiing experience:

"I began skiing at the age of 9 by going off a jump we made   behind Dorothea and Frank Stafford's house in 1932. One day I went off the   jump at an angle and landed in an apple tree breaking two ribs. After that my   oldest sister Velma decided that jumping was not for little Robert. She   bought me my first pair of down hill skis. Don't know where she got them.   They were made in Switzerland."

What was your experience in the 10th like?

"With my skiing experience I was taken into Tenth Recon as   a ski instructor. We were one of best trained units in the American army. I   think because of our education status."

Why did you join the 10th?

"I met Minnie Dole on Mt. Mansfield doing ski patrol work during my last years in high school. He had organized the National Ski Patrol and invited me to join. He also was instrumental in starting the 10th Mt. Division. So that is they way I wanted to go. At that time, you had to have three letters of recommendation and a high school diploma. I had all of that so out to Camp Hale I went."

Ski Patrol: "I came back to Vermont and Mt. Mansfield and was a ski   patrol man for 30 years."

Ski School: Ski Instructor for Bates College, Auburn, ME

Information submitted by: Bob Cochran


James H. Conniff, jr.

Rank, Company, Regiment: PFC        E              86TH INF

Vermont Location: Northfield/ Norwich

Importance of Vermont: "Many years of rec. skiing in Vermont."

First skiing experience: "1935 or 36 pine skis with toe straps."

What was your experience in the 10th like?: “A learning and growing experience."

Why did you join the 10th? "I could contribute with my experience as a skier and   outdoors man."

Ski Patrol: Aspen, CO

Information submitted by: James Conniff


Clement J. Curtis

Rank, Company, Regiment: S/SGT    K             86TH

Vermont Location: Stowe

First skiing experience:

"My first skis were 3 footers. Maybe the 2nd or 3rd grade.   I couldn't get home from school fast enough to my skis which were still wet   from the day before. Being pine and wet the grain would peel back and when my   father came home from work he would cut the loose grain off with his   jackknife ready for the next day. My next skis were 6 footers. Again they   were pine with a slot cut through the middle for the toe strap. I liked skiing   downhill but there had to be something in between the top and bottom such as   a bump. I think it was the second day with the that new pair that I built a   bump landed in soft snow and broke one in two where the toe strap went   through. As I was the youngest of nine and my father was a mill worker, there   wasn't much money for sporting goods. It was a while before I had skis again.   When I was in 8th grade, my brother in law gave his two groove hickory 7 foot   jumpers. I couldn't think of a nicer gift."

Competitive Skiing:

Made the high school team and competed in the eastern amateur   jumping championship in Lake Placid '29 & '30 (scared stiff). In 1933 I   joined a professional ski jumping group and in 1935 ski jumped in the first   indoor winter sports in the US at the Boston Garden, Madison Square Garden,   Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Springfield, Mass., and New Haven. Springfield,   Mass, was a bit unique in that the landing slops was built inside and the   jump built on the outside and we can flying through a window. Besides jumping   demonstrations there was down hill, slalom, crosscountry, and snowshoe racing   demonstrations. The Ice capades were with is through 1939 when Hitler set out   to conquer the world and that was the end of the indoor shows as such."

What was your experience in the 10th like?

"Then he told me of an expedition testing equipment in Lake   Louise, Canada, and asked if I'd like to go. Of course, I'd like to go. So I   went and was in charge of 75 men. Arriving at Lake Louise RR station I called   the men to attention as the CO was coming to greet us. There I was standing   there stiffer than a poker, he came up to me inches from my face 'WHAT IN   HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?' That was Paul Townsend who lived two doors from my   home in Lebanon, NH. Seeing him was a very pleasant surprise. The equipment   was not ski equipment. We were there to maintain camp for the Studebaker Co.   who was testing the WEASEL on Athabaska glacier. Our camp was a beautiful   sight at the base of the glacier. I was a truck driver and drove up the   glacier (9miles). Other days I drove to Lake Louise 40 miles for rations or   gas. What a great detail that was. Back to Camp Hale I joined a truck company   long enough to earn Staff sergeant stripes and returned to the Mountain   Training Group. Passed the ski teachers exam with the highest marks and was   assigned to teach instructors from other ski schools from all over the   country, the army method. In the summer I taught rock and mountain climbing.   During one of these sessions I was called to go to Mt. Rainier to make a   movie for the army. The film started on Mt. Rainier and had to be finished in   NYC studio due to the lack of trees high on the mountain (what a blast that   was.)

Then with three other men I was sent to many other camps   teaching them how to take care of themselves in extreme cold, such as showing   them how and where to build huts of tree bows. Being on detached service most   of the time in the Division I didn't go to Europe with them. Then back to   Stowe."
  "In May 1942, I joined the army. I finished Basic Training in So.   Carolina and was sent to the 10th Mountain Division in Tacoma, Washington,   with a group of skiers (9). I being the only certified teacher was sent to   the Snowshoe outfit. Fortunately the C.O. there happened to be Everett Bailey   of Burlington, VT, who used to teach skiing with us in Stowe on weekends. His   first comment was 'what are you doing here.' All I could say is 'this is   where they sent me. This showshoe outfit.'"

Ski School: "In 1939 I passed the ski teachers exam in the Hannes   Schneiders ski school in No. Conway, NH, and joined the Sepp Ruschp ski   school in 1940."

Vermont Ski Area Connection: Stowe, Mt. Mansfield
  "Being discharged from the army in late '44 and married to Anne M.   Courtemanche I returned with my new bride to Stowe and the Mount Mansfield   Co.
  Sepp Ruschp the president and general manager asking if I would assist him in   running the business at the State Lodge area which consisted of a T-bar lift,   rope tow, ski school, ski repair shop and restaurant. In the summer I   purchased an ice delivery business. I hired one man year round and he took   care of it in the winter while I was at Stowe. In 1948 I was asked to manage   the Summit House at the top of the mountain. This hotel was 90 years old and   stood there with the help of 1 inch cables anchored to the ledges. Some days   it was beautiful. Some days we were in the clouds and some days the thunder   storms were 'something else'. Those days the guests stayed indoors playing   scrabble etc. We, my wife and two little children, spent 8 summers up there.   Although we lived in our own little cottage, I left the company in 1955 and   went into the construction business which was good for me. Mentally,   physically, and financially. Retired in 1975. I'm now 92 years old and enjoy   Stowe in summer and winter in Florida with Anne."      Later became a contractor an helped to build Topnotch and   Stowehof.

Property manager for the Summit House on Mt. Mansfield when it   burned in 1958

Information submitted by: Clem Curtis


Wendall ”Wendy” Cram

Rank, Company, Regiment: T/SGT    K             87TH INF

Vermont Location: Bridgewater

First skiing experience: "6 Years old skiing in our back yard. Then skiing in   Woodstock on the first rope tow."

Competitive Skiing: Olympic team, 1940.

What was your experience in the 10th like?

"A great outfit, tuff at times. Interesting work. Good   friends."

Why did you join the 10th?

"Felt qualified."

Ski School: Bromley Ski School; Stratton Mtn. (post-war through 2004)

Ski Industry: Ski rep in the summers, owned ski shop.

Other information: The Museum has in its collection the scrapbooks made by the   Cram's mother and his Olympic sweater

Photograph information: Vernon and Wendy Cram

Information submitted by: Wendy Cram

Vernon Cram

Rank, Company, Regiment: PFC        B             86TH

Vermont Location: Bridgewater

Importance of Vermont:"My being born and brought up in Vermont certainly played a   role and was actually the complete reason I joined the 10th. Skiing was my one   passion and my brother Wendy was already in the 87th. There was no problem. I   put in for it- along with three letter of recommendation before I was called   up."

"My earliest memories of skiing go back to the late   twenties (1928-29). When I was about 4 or 5 years old I had little skis with   one hole for a toe strap. We perfected this by using a canning jar or a piece   of car tire tube to hold the heel and boot on the ski. We used tree limbs for   poles until they came out with bamboo types. When 'Gilbert Ski Tow' opened in   Woodstock, VT in 1934 we spent weekends skiing there until 'Suicide Six' and   'Pico' opened. My brother Wendy and I used to ski race all over New England.   He won more than I and became a member of the 1940 Olympic Team. War came so   they were never held."

First skiing experience:

I was born and brought up in Bridgewater, VT, and before ski   lifts, we use to "climb" in order to come down. We built ramps over   stone walls and fences so we could go from the top of Hudson Mtn. In   Bridgewater and ski non-stop to my back porch. There were a lot of maple   sugar woods with roads and open places and a little bushwacking to get to the   bottom. Then we'd stop at Bump's grocery store and then do it all over again.   We also ski jumps in the village."

College: UVM

Competitive Skiing: Woodstock High School won the Vermont State Interscholastic High   School Championship three years in a row. (1940-41-42). Raced all over New   England 1938-1943 with brother Wendy.

What was your experience in the 10th like?

Inducted 6/43 (Camp Evans, MA); Trained at Camp Hale, CO, and   Camp Swift, TX. Combat in Italy; wounded; discharged O'Reilly Hospital, MO   2/46. Also in VT National Guard 1942.

"My experience in the 10th was where my life changes   forever. It was tough, demanding, regimented, organized, mind and body   building training that made a man of you fast. That would be even faster when   in combat in Italy.
 One of the most unforgettable periods in the 10th was the 'D'   series. Some of this training exercise, about 3 weeks or so long, was as   taxing on us as was actual fighting in Italy. I wrote a day by day diary of   this. I would say the main difference was 'D' series we used blanks instrad   of 'live' ammo. I was involved in the taking of Riva Ridge. The end of the   war was at Sassamolare, Italy when I was wounded twice and left my squad   or…they left me on the side of the hill 3/4/45. Glenn finished off the war   o.k."

"I joined the 10th Mountain Division because it was the   only outfit in the army that had skiing in it. (my one big 'love') My brother   Wendy joined in 1941 and was one of the original cadre in the Mtn. Training   Group and original 87th regiment. As soon as I graduated from high school in   June 1943, I went to Fort Devens, Mass. And was in Camp Hale in July going   through recruit school.

Here I would like to tell of an unusual time and through the war   in Italy.
  Glenn Woods, Jr. and I grew up together, skied a lot together…although he was   a non-competitive skier. We went to Woodstock High School and graduated in   1943. Previously we spent a year and a half in the Vermont State Guard. We   were inducted together. Our serial numbers were two apart as a friend of ours   was in line between us. We went to Fort Devens. They saw that we were or had   been trained in the VT State Guard. Drill sergeants were in short supply so   they put Glenn and I in charge of drilling recruits. Guess we felt pretty   important. A group of us were sent to Camp Hale in a few days where I would   say 'life began anew'. Glenn and I were never separated from the 1st day in   the army until I was wounded in Italy. We were in the same squad and he fixed   me when I was wounded. We went to UVM together after the war (class of 1950).   He went back in the service, having been in ROTC at UVM. Separation now   occurred in our lives but were always in contact. He married while in the   service and was discharged after many years in the service. I also married.   We got together in VT when possible as he lived in his grandparents house in   Bridgewater next to his old home. We both had wonderful families. The Lord   chose to separate us in 11/18/2000. My memories are secure."

Why did you join the 10th?: I taught skiing in the 10th in winter of '43.

Ski Patrol: National Ski Patrol, Maple Valley, VT. (10 years)

Ski School: Hogback Mtn, Vermont; Own ski school Keene, NH, Springfield, VT

Role of Skiing in your Life: "I still ski at areas in NE, Suicide Six and Okemo. NC I   ski at Sugar Mtn and Snowshoe, WV."

The Museum has in its collection the scrapbooks made by the   Cram's mother.

Photograph information: Vern and brother Wendy

Information submitted by: Vern Cram